BCAM Family Involvement

BCAM and our families are not just partners in education.  We are a community.  The best model of educating and preparing our students for successful young adult life is through constant communication and collaboration between home and school.  The following are ways BCAM families are involved:

  • BCAM families are automatically members of our student’s Advisory-Fam group, and invited to meet regularly to engage in workshops related to topics of parent importance
  • BCAM families are invited four (4) formal times to meet with student’s Advisors and teachers to discuss academic and social progress
  • BCAM families are often encouraged to participate in the exhibition displays, project work, and advisory experiences of students
  • BCAM families are encouraged to tutor and support BCAM enrichment programming
  • BCAM families have multiple opportunities for leadership and to support leadership:
    • BCAM School Leadership Team with parent representation
    • BCAM Advisory-Fam Association reliant on family leadership
    • Family committees on events, student attendance, home support
    • BCAM families are the most important piece in making sure our students arrive on time each morning ready to have a successful, productive day. 
  • BCAM families must provide regular, quiet space for our students to complete homework and support students as best you can.

 In sum, we hope through these mechanisms to cultivate a strong partnership relationship between home and school.  This will go a long way to providing successful and supportive experiences for our BCAM student.

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